Last week I asked each child to bring a shoe box or similar sized box to class because we were going to do something very special with it. I also made sure I had extra boxes for the children that forgot their box or didn’t have one.
We read the story “This Little Prayer of Mine” by Anthony DeStefano. Anthony explains this "It just shows children that prayer is simply conversation with God. It's as simple as that, it's just talking to God -- children telling God their fears, their hopes, their concerns. It involves humorous, funny pictures. I think it's just a very inviting kind of a book that parents and children will like very much." I couldn’t agree with him more. The children really enjoyed the story and it really helped to convey the message of praying.
We had a great discussion about praying and how it is just isn’t about asking God for “things”. We talked about praying for peace, health, friendship and love.
I told the children that we were going to make a “Prayer Box” to put our prayers in it and so that others in our family could do the same.
I put out lots of jewels, sequins, glue , markers, crayons and colored pencils and let the children decorate away. While they were decorating their boxes I cut a slit in each of their lids.
We made special prayer cards using index cards, colored pencils and stickers. Each child dictated to me what their first prayer would be to God. I wrote it on their special card and let them insert it into the slit on the lid.
It was so much fun and believe it or not they didn’t ask for “things.” Many of them asked for God to watch over them, love them, their family and to feed the poor and hungry
I made one too. I think the children really like it when we participate in the activity as well.
Have fun and Happy Holidays!
P.S. These would also make a great gift for the children to make for their family if you are looking for a gift for them to make in class.
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