Thursday, May 12, 2011

Fully Rely on God

“Casting all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you." I Peter 5:7

Here it is May already and our time together as a class will soon be coming to an end. All of my children will be leaving the comfort and security of a classroom, as well as the teachers and friends they have come to know and rely on each day. All of my children will be moving on to Big Kid's School, as they call it.
The end of school can be a very happy, sad and scary time all rolled into one. Not only for me and my aide but certainly for the children and their parents. I wanted to help make this transition as easy and comforting as possible.

In circle time, we talked about who we rely on each day. My kids gave examples of “mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, a couple of pets and other adults.” I said, “As you go off to big kids school, our family and friends may not be there in our new classroom and school. Who do we rely on then?" Two of my girls said, "Jesus and God." We talked about how God is always there to talk to through prayer. We can always rely on God to make us feel secure until we can be with the people we love.

We decided to make something to remind us each day that God cares for us and to rely on him. We got foam sheets, a frog stencil, green BioColor® and a balloon. We placed the stencil in the center of the foam sheet, put the green paint on a paper plate and blew our balloons up to the size of a tennis ball. The children dipped the balloon in the paint and bounced it up and down over the stencil until the center was entirely covered. They had no trouble doing this and really enjoyed painting with the balloon, When they were done, they removed the stencil and had a print of a green frog on their foam.

After drying for the afternoon, I lightly wrote F.R.O.G. at the top of the foam and Fully Rely on God at the bottom. They then took markers and traced the letters. We punched holes at the top and strung yarn for hanging.

We gave instructions to take their plaques home and have a parent hang it in a spot that they could see it each day before leaving the house. We all enjoyed making these keepsakes to remind us that God is eternal and will always be there for us.

I will miss this class as they move on to Big Kid School, and I look forward to a new group of eager young learners in the fall.

Hope you enjoyed this activity!
Have a blessed week.