Friday, March 6, 2009

Helping Hands

We shared the story of the Good Samaritan in our preschool class this week. We had the children act it out as we read a very simplified version. (Their favorite part, by the way, was paying money to the "innkeeper." We used real coins and that was a hit!) Then we talked about ways we can all help people. I wrote down the answers because, in a class of 3- and 4-year-old children, they're always classic.

Me: What's something you can do to help someone?

Them: "Ride a horse."

"Clean blood." (This, I think, was derived from the part of the story where we talked about the man laying injured on the side of the road.)

"Help my mom and dad."

"Drive a car."

"Pennies!" (This little one was holding the jar of coins used to pay the innkeeper.)

"Go to the place... at the roller coaster place."
CLASSIC preschooler answers. Love them!
After talking about other ways we can help people, we made our "Helping Hands" by decorating hand-shaped cut-outs and writing ways we can help others on the back. Then, we strung the hands on ribbon to make a "Helping Hands" necklace. The more things the children could think of to help someone, the more helping hands they collected and strung on their own necklace.

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